In the media
Arinitwe rallies youth for lasting plastic pollution-free generations
Saturday Monitor
January 2023
Turning Trash Into Treasure,
June 2023
Top Under 40,
New Vision
February 2023
World Health Organisation Create 2020 Exhibition, New Vision
When there is more to art than meets the eye: The Citizen
January 2020
I was profiled by The Citizen, Tanzanian media house following the success of my attendance at KAN festival in 2020. “Arinitwe’s project at KAN was based on raising awareness of FGM. The painting an elaborate portrayal of the pain women go through and the dangers a woman faces when giving birth.
He paints pictures that reveal messages concerning societal issues such as women’s degradation through ritual acts and other forms of human rights violation.”
The Flipflopi Lake Victoria Expedition, National and Regional Media
March 2021
I created a sculpture 'The death of the Nile Perch' as part of a United Nations Environment Programme expedition ("The Flipflopi plastic revolution project") in March 2021 to raise awareness of plastic pollution in Lake Victoria, a dying freshwater ecosystem that is home to 40 million East Afrikans. I designed and built the sculpture from waste material in 3 days - the sculpture and the expedition was covered by many national and regional East African media houses.
Peter Arinitwe Storms WHO Gallery With Covid-19 Art, New Vision
October 2020
In 2020 I was chosen to participate my work in a WHO online exhibition aimed at showing solidarity in the fight against covid-19. I was profiled in Ugandan national media, 'New Vision' under the headline 'Peter Arinitwe storms WHO Gallery with COVID-19 art" - "The power of visual art has never been more relevant in bringing people together than during times of a global crisis. Art not only disseminates information about prevention guidelines, it also helps keep the hope alive."
October 2020

More to art than meets the eye, The Beat
March 2020
The Flipflopi Expedition, Kenya
March 2021
On location
June 2020